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Extraoridinary Safety Score

Omega Freight Safety Score

Since the CSA score is something that is objectively measured and calculated with roadside inspection and crash report data from the Safety Measurement System (SMS) from the last 24 months. If we consider previously said we can proudly say that the digits speak on behalf of Omega Freigh LLC, and the ones who are the most responsible for that are our drivers led by our professional team. All of our Drivers are MVR and PSP Checked to comply with safety regulations. All of this so we could make our safety score better and justify your expectations based on our statements.

When hiring a diver, we make sure that the driver is experienced and has clean MVR/PSP or in one word fit for the job in Omega Freight LLC on long terms and that none of the bellow indicators won’t be measured on one’s unit. 

  •  Unsafe Driving
  •  Crash Indicator
  •  HOS Compliance
  •  Vehicle Maintenance
  •  Controlled Substances/Alcohol
  •  Driver Fitness 


All this is the reason why we have an extraordinary safety score and even better all previously said can always be checked looking on Omega Freight LLC records on:

U.S. Department of Transportation

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

Safety and Fitness Electronic Records ( SAFER) System



Omega Freight Trucks Illustration